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Sphero Educator Guide Book

278,00 kr. Ex. moms

We’ve now made this guide book available for schools to purchases separately. Whilst it’s always been available as a downloadable resource, we know that most schools like to have physical resources available to them. This guide book already ships inside the indi class Pack, but for those schools that want to dip their toe in the water with a few indi student kits, but still be able to get their hands on this guide this is a great add on.

Varenummer (SKU): 3302127 Kategori:

We’ve now made this guide book available for schools to purchases separately. Whilst it’s always been available as a downloadable resource, we know that most schools like to have physical resources available to them. This guide book already ships inside the indi class Pack, but for those schools that want to dip their toe in the water with a few indi student kits, but still be able to get their hands on this guide this is a great add on.